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Scotland > Banff & Buchan (1 file)

Photographs of the Banff and Buchan area of Aberdeenshire in North East Scotland that do not fit into other specialist categories or particularly illustrate the nature of the area.
Macduff Station Brae qwe3193jhp 
 Macduff Scottish port Moray Firth Aberdeenshire Doune anchor memorial photo is adjacent to Banff but divided by the River Deveron and remains a busy fishing harbour supporting its own trawler fleet with fishmarket and its excellent facilities expanding for the watersport and pleasure sailing industry. off to the right is the octagonal war memorial on The Knowes 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Macduff, sea, Moray, Firth, town, fishing, port, buildings, landscape, harbour, anchor, viewpoint, town, station, brae, Knowles, war, memorial, octagonal, tower