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Egypt > Aswan Nubian Museum (1 file)

Aswan Nubian Museum Bowls EG052937JHP 
 Aswan Egyptian Nubian Museum bowls with hunting scenes, wild animals and hunters from the 6th Dysnasty and found at Qubbet el Hawa on display in this modern air-conditioned building whose foundations were laid in 1986, opened in 1997 and organised through UNESCO. Very low artificial light makes general photography difficult as well as affecting accurate colour balance. This now appears to be the only museum in Egypt where photography is still allowed although it is not easy as the ambient lighting is extremely subdued for conservation reasons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Aswan, Nubian, Nubia, Museum, exhibit, bowls, dishes, pottery, hunting, scenes, huneters, lion, gazelle, leopard, hares, fish, inside, interior, ancient, landscape

Egypt > Egyptian Museum Cairo (2 files)

Royalty Free photos of exhibits from the Cairo Egyptian Museum taken before current bans with slide film in available light not to studio quality
Tut on Leopard EG11702JHP 
 Egyptian Museum statue King Tutankhamun Tut gold gilt photo standing leopard in the prime antiquities collection in Cairo taken during visits between 1994 and 1996 when photography was allowed albeit without flash and tripod. None is of studio quality, being handheld with existing, usually extremely poor light and using slide film, pushed Fuji 400asa to get a suitable aperture and shutter speed. Most of the photos are from the Tutankahum exhibits while the rest are items that interested me as I explored this wonderful and extensive collection, requiring many more hours if not days and is only hinted at during the usual one or two hour visit made on a package tour. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Museum, Tutankhamun, leopard, standing, Tut, collection, upright, ancient, antiquity, antiquities, exhibit
Coffin Interior Detail EG011210aJHP 
 Egyptian Museum coffin interior treasury scribe illustrate elaborate colourful craftsmanship from the ancient Egyptians. In the prime antiquities collection in Cairo taken during visits between 1994 and 2001 when photography was allowed albeit without flash and tripod. None is of studio quality, being handheld with existing, usually extremely poor light and using slide film, pushed Fuji 400asa to get a suitable aperture and shutter speed. Most of the photos are from the Tutankahum exhibits while the rest are items that interested me as I explored this wonderful and extensive collection, requiring many more hours if not days and is only hinted at during the usual one or two hour visit made on a package tour. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Museum, scribe, priest, leopard, skin, Amun-Ra, food, offering, fruit, lotus, flowers, wife, sarcophagus, interior, painted, colours, colors, collection, square, ancient, antiquity, antiquities, exhibit

Egypt > Karnak Temple (1 file)

Photos in this gallery include the whole of Karnak itself, the open air museum, temples of Khonsu and Ptah and the Sound and Light Show night images.
Karnak Montu Temple EG0214011jhp 
 Temple Ptah Museum Storage Area Karnak Egypt statue priest leopard kilt which is located inside the north enclosure wall of the Karnak Complex at Luxor on the East Bank of the River Nile. This storage shed, a mini museum with two standing statues is near the delightful small temple pf Ptah on the walk along the enclosure wall to Montu Temple. Avery seldom frequented area so always quiet although an extra ‘entry’ fee maybe required to keep the local custodians happy. Constructed by Thutmosis 111 during his reign 1500-1450BC it shows continuous repair and additions through until the Ptolemaic period while inside the small sanctuaries are broken granite states of Ptah and Sekhmet. On the day I visited we had very poor light conditions caused by an encroaching sand storm and it was very overcast which has happened to me twice now at this temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, River, Nile, east, Bank, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, Karnak, Temple, Ptah, gates, custodians, entrance, galabea, turban, landscape, upright, history, archaeology, Egyptology, Thutmosis, Thutmose, Ptolemy, Ptolemaic, construction, restoration, additions, statues, granite, decorated, priest, statue, standing, painted, shed, museum, Gods, hieroglyphics, sandstone

Egypt > North of Cairo (1 file)

This gallery has photographs of the main sites North of Cairo, usually visited privately as not part of most Egyptian tours, and includes Heliopolis, Tell Basta near Zagazig and Tanis near the north coast of Egypt
Tanis Royal Priest 1305EG05jhp 
 Tanis Ancient Egyptian Delta Royal tombs priest skin belt Osorkon Takelot at once thought to be the capital created by Ramses but was the capital of the 24th Nome of Lower Egypt and important in the late Egyptian period. Has Ramesside Temple of Amun with other temples from reigns of Osorkon, Sheshonq and Ptolemy but of special interest are the Royal Tombs where that of Psusennes in particular was intact and gave up one of the richest burial good collections, apart from Tutankhamun, with its famous silver coffin, now in the Cairo Museum. A visit to Tanis is usually by private means but can be incorporated with a day trip through the Delta visiting Heliopolis and Tell Basta but does involve considerable motoring. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Tanis, San al-Hagar, Djane, Delta, Avaris, Quantir, upright, history, ancient, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, granite, carvings, hieroglyphs, sarcophagus, granite, Royal, Necropolis, tombs, pharaoh, priest, Psuennes, Takelot, Osorkon, wall, relief, offering, food, leopard, skin

Scotland > Aberdeen City (4 files)

This gallery includes all photographs connected with Aberdeen city from buildings, churches, streets, public parks, gardens, the University, Harbour and the beach. Places covered included Union Terrace Gardens, Cowdray Hall, Rosemount, HM Theatre, William Wallace Statue, Union Street, Castlegate, Citadel, Town House, Provost Skene House, Marsicahl College, Woolmanhill, Denburn Carpark, Johnston Gardens, Victoria Park, Duthie Park, Hazlehead Park, Piper Alpha Memorial, Seaton Park, Kings College, Elphinstone, Old Aberdeen, Fittie, Bridge of Don, AECC, Garthdee, Torry, Nigg, Pocra Quay
Union Bridge Leopards xv0243jhp 
 Aberdeen Scotland Union Bridge Leopards 'Kelly's Cats' City Wrought Iron coat-of arms with its motto of 'Bon Accord' or good-luck are part of the decorations for the parapet of the Union Bridge, the reason for the great street of the City being called Union Street looking over the Union Terrace Gardens to the domes of St Marks Church and HM Theatre. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Grampian, landscape, Union Bridge, Union Street, leopard, Kelly's Cats, 'Bon Accord', Coat of Arms, parapet, granite, silver, architecture, style, classic, street furniture, centre
Aberdeen Union Bridge SO284057JHP 
 Aberdeen Scottish Leopard 'Kelly's cats' Union Bridge City Cast Iron adorn the Aberdeen coat-of arms with its motto of 'Bon Accord' or good-luck are part of the decorations for the parapet of the Union Bridge, the reason for the great street of the City being called Union Street 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, Grampian, landscape, 'Union Bridge', 'Union Street', leopard, 'Kelly's Cast', 'Bon Accord', Coat of Arms, parapet, granite, silver, architecture, style, classic, street furniture, centre
Aberdeen Union Bridge SO284056JHP 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Wrought Iron Cast Leopards 'Kelly's cats' Union Bridge that adorn the City's coat-of arms with its motto of 'Bon Accord' or good-luck are part of the decorations for the parapet of the Union Bridge, the reason for the great street of the City being called Union Street 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, Grampian, upright, ' Union Bridge', 'Union Street', leopard, 'Kelly's Cast', 'Bon Accord', Coat of Arms, parapet, granite, silver, architecture, style, classic, street furniture, centre
Aberdeen Coat of Arms SM6201JHP 
 Bon Accord Coat Arms Aberdeen City Scotland Lampost Southern Way Road which is found on street furniture, official publications and street names. Rampant Leopards and three castles are the main elements of the symbol here on a light standard along the Great Southern Road 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, Grampian, upright, summer, granite, silver, grey, architecture, style, classic, Bon Accord, rampant, Leopards, castles, forts, crescent, 'Great Southern Road', light, lamp-post, street furniture, flowers, roses, Britain in Bloom, pavement

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