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Egypt > Victorian Albumen Prints (1 file)

A collection of copies of photographs of Egyptian sites taken in the 1870's by Victorian photographers Beato, Frith and Sebah and modern versions have been made as well.
JP Sebah Meydum 8398VQJHP 
 Meydum Maidum Pyramid Ancient Egyptian Albumen Print Photo Sebah Photographer as it is very much today is here seen on an old albumen print taken by Turkish photographer J.P.Sebah around 1890-1900. This has claims to be the first true pyramid built started around 2500BC as a step pyramid by the greatest pyramid builders projects, those of Sneferu. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, ancient, Fayoum, Egyptology, Meidum, Maidum, Meydoun, Meydum, Pyramid, JP Sebah, Turkish, photographer, old, albumen, print, copy, Sneferu, Huni, Snofru, collapsed, robbed, rubble, landscape